The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) and the OECD-GVH Regional Centre for Competition in Budapest (Hungary) (“RCC”) will hold its next competition law seminar for European competition law judges on 24-25 February 2017 in Budapest. The seminar will receive funding from the European Union. 

Directive 2014/104/EU on antitrust damages actions set the 27th December 2016 as the deadline for Member States to implement it in their legal systems. National judges will therefore have to take into consideration the new rules derived from this text.

This seminar will examine the impact of the Directive on the tasks national judges have to undertake in antitrust litigation. Pursuant to this objective, participants will be provided with the necessary tools and information to better understand the Directive’s provisions as to ensure a coherent and consistent application of EU law in this field by national courts.

It will cover the main features of the Damage Directive, such as the disclosure of evidence, the passing on defence, the quantification of harm and limitation periods. Moreover, to assist national judges in the implementation of these rules and concepts, co-operation mechanisms and preliminary reference proceedings are made available and will be addressed during the seminar. Finally, we will examine matters of competence from jurisdictional issues to effects of national decisions in other Member States.

Key national cases and relevant EU case law will be presented and discussed by experts in the field. In addition, participants will actively be involved through hypothetical exercises and will be engaged in Q/A sessions with the experts.

The speakers' short biographies can be downloaded below.

Founded by the Training of National Judges Programme of the European Union