Exclusionary and Discriminatory Practices: Tying/Bundling, Price Discrimination and Loyalty Rebates
Analysis of abuse of dominance is one of the most challenging areas of competition policy. This seminar focuses on a subset of dominance abuses: exclusionary and discriminatory practices such as tying/bundling, price discrimination, and loyalty rebates. This seminar addresses these issues from both a theoretical and practical perspective, to help participants better understand why and how such cases might be brought. Throughout, speakers will address theoretical bases for concern, common legal benchmarks, and practical tools for distinguishing potentially anticompetitive conduct from more benign behaviour. In addition, experts and representatives from participating competition authorities will present actual cases that illustrate the relevant concepts and the experiences of competition authorities in evaluating and prosecuting price related abuses. On the final day, participants will work through as a group a hypothetical case that raises many of the issues discussed in the workshop.